Posts Tagged "boundaries"

Would You Set a Boundary?

Would You Set a Boundary?

At a park I saw a 10 or 11 YO boy climbing around by himself on a partially washed-out concrete footbridge over a creek. The creek was still high and fast-flowing, though not raging the way it had been just a week before when we'd experienced torrential rains and record flooding. The boy was balancing on the exposed girders where the concrete was missing and poking under the remaining concrete...

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Pranks Aren’t All Bad

Pranks Aren’t All Bad

Some people love pranks and others hate them. Mixed feelings are common. How should you respond? I overheard some parents talking about their middle school daughters playing pranks on strangers like ringing the doorbell and running away, and making prank phone calls. The parents didn't want to come down too hard on them for fear that the girls would turn to something worse, and were wondering if...

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On-Time with Empowered Children

On-Time with Empowered Children

Would you like to be able to make sure things get done on time without rushing or over-managing your children? How about putting perfectionism aside and providing guidance without criticism or negative correction? Here are the 7 suggestions that I shared with readers of Rachel Macy Stafford's powerful Hands Free Mama blog at her request in the comments section of her post "The Manager In My...

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Too Fun to Leave — Not Fair!

Too Fun to Leave — Not Fair!

Is it fair to put kids in difficult situations and then expect them to behave? Here's what Leigh from Albany asked: My older son (who is 4) was dazzled by the bookstore. We had never been there before. We went because there was a story time, but he was way too amped to sit for the story. We went with a friend who has a son my younger son’s age (19 months old).   My older son ran around the...

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Ending Exclusion Fears

Ending Exclusion Fears

It's been great having my two daughters, Colleen (26) and Betsy (24) home for the summer. They are always in and out, but when they are in, they are really in and "present"... and so am I. We have great conversations. Even our complaint sessions end up with validation and often deep heart-to-heart breakthrough processing moments. That's just how we live—thank you, Language of Listening®! One...

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