Posts Tagged "collapse"

Bold. Me?

Bold. Me?

Would you consider someone who prefers merry-go-rounds to roller coasters, bold? That was me - not bold. It took Eva, master life coach, to wake me up. Now I know what it feels like to have someone point out a STRENGTH you didn't know you had. I always thought that being nice or cautious holds you back in life, but what can you do if that's just who you are? Everyone who knows me picks up right...

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Help Is All Around

Help Is All Around

Riding in an ambulance with lights flashing, sirens blaring, whizzing past the cars on the highway sounds like great fun to a child. For me it was embarrassing. Thank goodness my ride was the result of a false alarm, and that the outcome of a battery of tests shows that I am at very low risk of any serious problems. So what was the embarrassment about? Being saved. Since embarrassment occurs...

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When Spending and Eating = Wasting

When Spending and Eating = Wasting

Lately, I've been tackling my beliefs about money and was stunned by the simplicity of this one, and it's link to eating. Who am I about spending? I try not to, feel guilty when I do, and come up with endless justifications for each dollar spent or saved. No, it's actually worse than that...each penny! When I see one on the ground, I still have to justify not picking it up, "It's not worth...

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Stuck? Quick Catalyst for Change

Stuck? Quick Catalyst for Change

If you consciously or unconsciously resist change, this simple thought could be the start of something new! This short video was inspired by my daughter Colleen and her realization that change could be additive. Wha...?!!! It certainly has worked for her on her path to achieving recognition as an artist in NYC. Let me know what you think of this quick catalyst for change: (Please excuse the bad...

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Showing You Care vs Caring

Showing You Care vs Caring

How do you know someone cares? They remember your birthday, they call for no reason, they think about you, they take care of you, they put you first, they help you feel special...? While intellectually I knew the difference between caring and showing it, some part of me couldn't tell the two apart. How did I know? I felt guilty for forgetting a birthday or even a name, not calling friends and...

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