Posts Tagged "melt-down"

Trying to Stop a Temper Tantrum? 7 Things You Might Be Missing

Trying to Stop a Temper Tantrum?  7 Things You Might Be Missing

Language of Listening® Coach, Lauren Tamm, outlines seven things you might be missing if you are trying to stop a temper tantrum. Reprinted from her blog with permission. My daughter’s had a heck of a week when it comes to temper tantrums. It all culminated into one massive meltdown last night, when she was so inconsolable that she cried herself to sleep, stark-naked. But before I share...

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Melting Meltdowns with Connection

Melting Meltdowns with Connection

One small step can make a big difference! Here’s how Rachel Duhon, Therapist at River City Psychological Services in Grand Rapids, MI, used SAY WHAT YOU SEE in a way that will melt your heart: As a parent, it has always been a top priority to have a loving, healthy relationship with my children. I thought that I was doing a great job as a parent in being consistent and available to my...

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