Posts Tagged "needy"
Ending Reactive Parenting
Ever feel like you are stuck in a cycle of negativity? A mom of two young children was, and she expressed her frustration in the comments of one of Rachel Macy Stafford’s Hands Free Mama blog posts The Manager in My Home & the Five Words that Changed Everything. Thanks to a standing invitation from Rachel to assist her readers and share our public dialogs, I was able to offer this mom...
Read MoreWhen Needs Appear to Conflict
“How can I provide the support and attention my three-year old needs from me and help him to be more independent at the same time?” is a question that many parents face. (See aceiatx’s question in her comment on CAN DOs Work for All Ages) The short answer is: Provide support and attention when it’s OK with you, and model independence when it’s not. SWYS:...
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