Posts Tagged "wrong"

Pain Buster

Pain Buster

While recovering from pneumonia last month, I had a lot of down time, so I used the “opportunity” for some deep pondering in hopes of finding some hidden belief that, if revealed and finally heard, could reduce the pain. BTW, pneumonia hurts! You don’t want to get it. I promise. I found one. It showed up as an indignant cry from my childhood that “Life should not...

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SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

In her blog article “Applying ‘Say What You See’ to Adult Relationships” Monica Cravotta related my work to that of her friend and coach Chris Douglas. Monica came to the conclusion that “in a very basic way, we’re no different than our little ones in feeling upset when our basic emotional needs are unmet.” So true! In trying to bring understanding to...

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“Wrong” Finale

I finally got it!!! I’m so excited!!! Eva Sim-Zabka, my dear friend, colleague and possibility coach, coached me through the final piece of this last night. She is so good! After my youngest sister was born, we moved, so I can place the creation of this life-long issue at age 8. At that time, I remember lying awake at night terrified. I had never been afraid of the dark or sleeping alone...

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Wrong 4

You should read tchow’s comment on “Wrong 3:” “…At this point, there is no concept of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in one’s head. The challenge of deciding between the two is gone and all I’m left with is raw, unaltered and pure experience…” That’s exactly what I would like to do here–provide a public forum for...

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Wrong 3

Wrong 3

Applying more logic to the collapse equation “not liking = wrong” — if things have to be wrong for me to not like them, then clearly I believe I have to like everything since I believe everything is “right” somehow. Dang-it! It’s so true. Just like Betsyyyy said in her comment on the previous entry “Wrong 2” Funny how you can know you think...

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