Member Login

The Online Training Center has moved!


If you are currently a member of our Online Training Center with access to our Basic Coaching Skills Course, your membership, Username, and Password have all been transferred to our new Language of Listening® Institute website.

When you log in to the Institute, you will be taken to Your Courses page where you can access your familiar Basic Coaching Skills Course contents and videos along with an invitation to upgrade your membership to include our new online Mastery Class (for an additional fee).

You will find all of this content on Your Courses page when you log in to the Institute:

  • START HERE: Key Concepts Class (includes Heart Model & Premises Page & Interactive Study Guide)
  • Original SAY WHAT YOU SEE® Workshop (includes List of STRENGTHs)
  • Bonus Material
  • Mini-eCourse—Start Now Form
  • Q & A — Ask Sandy Archive
  • 201 Mastery Class Upgrade Option 


Not registered yet?

  • Click: Register Now, and get ready for more hugs, more respect, and more connection!


Don’t know your username or password?


Note from Sandy:


After creating this course, it dawned on me that the 3 steps of Language of Listening we have been teaching for over 10 years are actually LIFE COACHING SKILLS! No wonder each time you use them, children’s resistance disappears and their best selves appear like magic!!!


As you go through this online training you will not hear us refer to the simple tools as “coaching skills,” but that’s exactly what they are and always have been. We just didn’t know it.


So if you keep that in mind, you will actually feel what it’s like to coach your child instead of manage their behavior. That’s you stepping into the new Coaching paradigm and leaving parenting and classroom struggles behind!