I kept doing this same thing each morning, expecting a different result…

I kept doing this same thing each morning, expecting a different result…

Guest post by Dalia Liolia, Authorized Language of Listening® Coach: I was overloaded. I was wearing my laptop bag on one shoulder and my heavy purse on the other, holding my travel coffee mug and car keys in my hands with my one-liter water bottle under my arm, ready to open the door and leave for work. Plus, I was running late. “Guys, I’m leav-i-i-i-ng!” Both my children ran...

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How do I know if I’m a good parent?

How do I know if I’m a good parent?

There’s a real reason you might not know what kind of a job you are doing as a parent. Rachel Norman, Authorized Language of Listening® Coach and author of A Mother Far from Home blog, shared this huge epiphany with her newsletter readers and gave me permission to share it with you. It makes our modern dilemma crystal clear. … So anyway, I was reading this one excerpt [from a...

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4 Tips To Help Kids Wait

4 Tips To Help Kids Wait

“Look! Look at me! Look what I can do! Look what I made!” Sound familiar? Many parents are getting a crash course in the unique challenges and rewards of working from home with children. It’s hard for everybody—your kids need your attention, and spending time with your children is important to you, too. So when you both want to spend time together, but other things need to get done, what...

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Money—What if it really could “just show up”?

Money—What if it really could “just show up”?

I’ve been looking at the concept of abundance lately and discovered I’ve been very sad that my heart’s desire to have money just show up has not panned out. Before you jump in to offer advice on how that’s not realistic, let me say that I’m keenly aware of how fantasy-like that sounds. But I am also aware that something about it is right for me. It has to be...

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Pretending to Be an Adult

Pretending to Be an Adult

If someone “acting like a child” annoys you, you might have had to grow up too soon. How to step more fully into your adulthood, reclaim your childhood, and regain your patience all at the same time? Julia Kurskaya, parent coach and graduate of our Coaches Training program, walks you through her breakthrough, shared here by permission: In my...

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Trouble at Preschool

Trouble at Preschool

How do you react when your child tells you they did something that they know you won’t like and just looks at you? If you brace yourself for a show-down, or start correcting or lecturing, that’s a reaction to a judgment. The judgment might be something like “rebellious” or maybe even “stubborn,” if you know your child knew you wouldn’t like what they...

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