Posts Tagged "acceptance"

Big Reactions To Cancellations

Big Reactions To Cancellations

The world is, collectively, going through a very unusual time right now. People all over the world are trying to avoid exposure to a virus that we still don’t understand completely. Schools and offices are closing, social gatherings are being cancelled, and everyone is being asked to work or stay at home. Along with all of these disruptions come lots of feelings: fear for the safety of...

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No Friends Allowed!

No Friends Allowed!

When you try to SAY WHAT YOU SEE, and “it doesn’t work,” that phrase tells you that you are trying to manage your child’s behavior instead of coaching them. Kids can tell the difference, and so can you by their resistance. Here’s my coaching for Ali from the UK on how to flip a no-way-out situation for her 5 YO into fun. Her little cousin was coming over...

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3 Steps for Reconnecting with Your Mother

3 Steps for Reconnecting with Your Mother

Your relationship with your mother affects your entire life. If yours is challenging, now is the perfect time to transform it into one of love, respect and connection. When you do, it will transform your life. In a coaching conversation with a young woman about her highly reactive mother, I recommended three steps for transforming their relationship. She graciously gave her permission...

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If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

How can you open doors to connection instead of slamming them shut (literally) when kids fighting sets you off? I was invited to answer this question for a reader of Hands Free Mama blog. Our Q&A is reprinted below with permission, edited for brevity and clarity.   QUESTION: Do you have any suggestions on how to handle sibling fighting?   I am a Type A, list-following,...

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Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Does acceptance feel like resignation to you? Like you have to give up on what you want and agree with something you don’t want? Ouch! That is not the kind of acceptance I mean when I say, “All growth is through acceptance!” This insightful comment on “What’s Perfect About Perfectionism – Part 2” from Angelika Wetter (children 1, 4), Argentina,...

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