Posts Tagged "acknowledgment"

Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Coaching begins with listening for greatness. Here are two simple Language of Listening® coaching skills that can turn any challenging moment with a child or teen into a rewarding one. 1. Accidents: Validate the intention Your child’s greatness can be found in their intentions. When a child makes a mistake or accidentally damages or breaks something, recognizing the child’s true...

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Where “Shoulds” Come From (and how to send them back)

Where “Shoulds” Come From (and how to send them back)

Are your “shoulds” really yours? When a “should” comes from you, you nod when you speak it, feel validated when you hear it, and are often willing to fight to defend it, as in, “I should be able to do what I love!” By contrast, “shoulds” that are not yours create feelings of pressure and self-doubt, as in “I should be doing more.” So...

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