Posts Tagged "adult"

Pretending to Be an Adult

Pretending to Be an Adult

If someone “acting like a child” annoys you, you might have had to grow up too soon. How to step more fully into your adulthood, reclaim your childhood, and regain your patience all at the same time? Julia Kurskaya, parent coach and graduate of our Coaches Training program, walks you through her breakthrough, shared here by permission: In my...

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Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Our fight-flight-freeze response is much maligned. An article in Psychology Today says this “survival-oriented acute stress response” offers three options that amount to: battle, escaping, or becoming paralyzed and “numbing out.” All three have negative connotations in our culture; and since none rely on reason, no wonder we see this fight-flight-freeze response as a...

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SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

In her blog article “Applying ‘Say What You See’ to Adult Relationships” Monica Cravotta related my work to that of her friend and coach Chris Douglas. Monica came to the conclusion that “in a very basic way, we’re no different than our little ones in feeling upset when our basic emotional needs are unmet.” So true! In trying to bring understanding to...

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