Posts Tagged "agreement"

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Does acceptance feel like resignation to you? Like you have to give up on what you want and agree with something you don’t want? Ouch! That is not the kind of acceptance I mean when I say, “All growth is through acceptance!” This insightful comment on “What’s Perfect About Perfectionism – Part 2” from Angelika Wetter (children 1, 4), Argentina,...

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How To Help a Perfectionist Child

How To Help a Perfectionist Child

Saying, “That’s OK. It doesn’t have to be perfect,” does not help a perfectionist child. I explain why in this Q&A with a mother of a 12-year-old perfectionist daughter, though the explanation applies to most ages. Question:   My biggest issue is my precious 12-year-old girl. She is a delight with a heart of gold and a perfectionist – however that is her down...

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I want it! You’re not my friend anymore!

I want it! You’re not my friend anymore!

Do these situations sound familiar? At an in-service training I did for preschool teachers, I was asked a few questions about children fighting. These could come up at home or at school, so I wanted to share them with you. Although these sample responses were designed for younger children, they actually apply to older children as well. That’s no surprise when you remember that the...

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Win-Lose To Win-Win

Win-Lose To Win-Win

When you have a disagreement with your spouse, partner or friend over something you want, does it feel like one of you has to win and the other has to lose? Given that your relationship is an important part of these scenarios, even a win-lose is a lose-lose because it puts a strain on your relationship. It’s most apparent in a big disagreement, but the little ones add up, too. So how do you...

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