Posts Tagged "bully-proof"

Teasing & Name-calling

Teasing & Name-calling

When name calling is done to tease or be hurtful, the dynamics are different than with a friend who chooses an unacceptable term of endearment as discussed in What’s in a Name. Suggesting your child say what she wants to be called, which can be helpful in the case of a friend, might only give an adversary more ammunition to do the opposite, especially since adversarial name-calling is...

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Bully-proofing with STRENGTHs

Bully-proofing with STRENGTHs

Even big kids get picked on. A 10-year-old boy recently told me about his embarrassment when a smaller boy threw something and hit him. At first, he said, “Stop that! It hurts!” But when another boy said, “That shouldn’t hurt you. He’s smaller than you!” he didn’t know what to do except walk away. As expected, they laughed and called him names. What can...

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