Posts Tagged "caring"

Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust?

A little while ago, I published a blog post about being on the verge of a breakthrough. I talked about feeling foggy and not being able to make major decisions or stay on track and get things done, and how instead of blaming myself or heaping on the guilt, I just remembered the Running Leap and trusted myself.   Knowing about the Running Leap helped me recognize my period of fogginess as...

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Showing You Care vs Caring

Showing You Care vs Caring

How do you know someone cares? They remember your birthday, they call for no reason, they think about you, they take care of you, they put you first, they help you feel special…? While intellectually I knew the difference between caring and showing it, some part of me couldn’t tell the two apart. How did I know? I felt guilty for forgetting a birthday or even a name, not calling...

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