Posts Tagged "child"

Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Our fight-flight-freeze response is much maligned. An article in Psychology Today says this “survival-oriented acute stress response” offers three options that amount to: battle, escaping, or becoming paralyzed and “numbing out.” All three have negative connotations in our culture; and since none rely on reason, no wonder we see this fight-flight-freeze response as a...

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Q & A: Contrary Child

Q & A: Contrary Child

One of our readers, Jab, asked a great question in a comment on “The Importance of Validation” about situations where SAYing WHAT YOU SEE doesn’t seem to work. As often happens here at Language of Listening, what started as a quick response turned in to a full-blown blog post! Jab asked: “I’m not having much success with SWYS. I must be missing something about it. For...

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Can you love a child you don’t like?

Can you love a child you don’t like?

The disturbing question “Can you love a child you don’t like?” comes up more than you can imagine. This dilemma can cause painful feelings of guilt for parents or teachers who have mixed feelings about a child, or harder yet, for those who find one child easier to like than another. When asked, my answer is always, “Of course,” but it’s been hard to explain...

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