Posts Tagged "cleaning"

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

When my daughter Betsy was in middle school, she told me through a flood of tears that she was sure she had no self-motivation. She couldn’t make herself do things she didn’t want to do. Yep, that’s the message I’d inadvertently been sending: making yourself do things you don’t want to do IS self-motivation. Of course, I was applying it to myself as well, and it led...

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Preschool Power Struggles

Preschool Power Struggles

A preschool teacher posted her power struggle dilemma on a Reggio Emilia discussion list. Here’s her question and my response: Q: HELP! Today was the day for power struggles all around, I swear it’s contagious. Either that, or they picked up on the fact that I had no sleep last night & was nearly incoherent–hate how well kids can read your current physiological...

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