Posts Tagged "cookies"

Who are you really?

Who are you really?

On July 16, my daughter Colleen posted this image on her Facebook page with the comment: “Cheers to my Grandma, who would’ve been 85 today. Celebrating with her favorites: wine and a donut!” Lots of likes on that one. It’s hard for friends and family to see a donut without thinking of Ruth. My grandmother used to tell the story of a time a few months into Mom’s...

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Grant Your Food Wishes In Fantasy

Grant Your Food Wishes In Fantasy

If you ever had any doubts about the SAY WHAT YOU SEE strategy of granting children’s wishes in fantasy originated by Dr. Haim Ginott, author of the parenting classic, Between Parent and Child, there is a NY Times article by John Tierney that discusses something he calls the Imagine Diet for adults. He says: “The experiments at Carnegie Mellon are the first to show that habituation...

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