Posts Tagged "different"

Money—What if it really could “just show up”?

Money—What if it really could “just show up”?

I’ve been looking at the concept of abundance lately and discovered I’ve been very sad that my heart’s desire to have money just show up has not panned out. Before you jump in to offer advice on how that’s not realistic, let me say that I’m keenly aware of how fantasy-like that sounds. But I am also aware that something about it is right for me. It has to be...

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Positive Guidance for Negative Self-Talk

Positive Guidance for Negative Self-Talk

I smiled when I received this glowing comment in my email from a Montessori guide and mom of 2: “Language of Listening” has been without a doubt THE MOST POWERFUL approach to working with children that I have ever encountered in my 9 years as a Montessori guide (and now 4 years as a parent). I could tell you so many stories about how it’s helped me guide my very spirited 4-year...

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What if my kids get teased?

What if my kids get teased?

If you were ever teased about your appearance as a child and didn’t know how to respond, you may worry about the same thing happening to your kids. A mom of two boys asked*: “I’m wondering if you have any advice on helping children who have noticeable physical differences. Both of my boys have prominent ears and the oldest starts kindergarten soon. I know it is only a matter of...

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