Posts Tagged "eating"

Gaining Toddler Cooperation – Bed, Bath, Mealtime

Gaining Toddler Cooperation – Bed, Bath, Mealtime

Q: “My biggest parenting challenge at the moment is that my two year old daughter is a little bit strong-willed. Meal times, bath times and basically everything in life is a challenge when she’s already decided whether or not she will be doing what I ask. I can negotiate, I can plead and I can try to coax her – all to no avail.   She also has a routine – I’m quite...

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Peaceful Family Gatherings

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Whether you love holidays or hate them, holidays bring people together. But if just thinking about being with relatives or certain friends kicks off your fight/flight/freeze response, you can use these tips to bring peace to any moment: Intentions / Wishes.   A little background: Intentions and wishes are desires that arise from what you like and love. To me, what you like and love is who...

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When Spending and Eating = Wasting

When Spending and Eating = Wasting

Lately, I’ve been tackling my beliefs about money and was stunned by the simplicity of this one, and it’s link to eating. Who am I about spending? I try not to, feel guilty when I do, and come up with endless justifications for each dollar spent or saved. No, it’s actually worse than that…each penny! When I see one on the ground, I still have to justify not picking it up,...

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When Needs Appear to Conflict

When Needs Appear to Conflict

“How can I provide the support and attention my three-year old needs from me and help him to be more independent at the same time?” is a question that many parents face. (See aceiatx’s question in her comment on CAN DOs Work for All Ages) The short answer is:  Provide support and attention when it’s OK with you, and model independence when it’s not. SWYS:...

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