Posts Tagged "familiarity"

Do Thoughts Cause Feelings?

Do Thoughts Cause Feelings?

    “Wake” by Colleen Blackard (Ballpoint pen drawing)       My dear friend and colleague Dr. Theresa Kellam, a licensed psychologist, focuses on feelings in her therapy practice. In Language of Listening®, we focus more on thoughts and beliefs in our life coaching. Both produce life-changing results. I remember Theresa once telling me that thoughts arose...

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I Am My Mother

I Am My Mother

I recently got a peek into a deeper level of awareness about my fragile identity. As it turns out, I am not me; I am my mother. Here’s what I mean. For years, I thought I didn’t know what I liked or wanted. I remember back in high school realizing that I had no opinions of my own, and promptly getting some! But I still balk when people ask me what I want. As super-coach Eva and I...

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