Posts Tagged "hurried"

Parenting Anger: Is it me or them?

Parenting Anger: Is it me or them?

It had been a day filled with tantrums, power struggles, and testing, testing, testing. I felt like I was doing all the right things, listening to my kids’ feelings, validating their experience, and extending my patience well beyond what I should need to do. Yet, everything I did felt like the wrong thing. I cut the toast wrong. Hurried them out the door too quickly.  Buckled the car seat...

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On-Time with Empowered Children

On-Time with Empowered Children

Would you like to be able to make sure things get done on time without rushing or over-managing your children? How about putting perfectionism aside and providing guidance without criticism or negative correction? Here are the 7 suggestions that I shared with readers of Rachel Macy Stafford’s powerful Hands Free Mama blog at her request in the comments section of her post “The...

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A Hurried Child

A Hurried Child

Wow! I just had a coaching session with Eva Sim-Zabka, and in under 10 minutes she got to the core of my complaint: “Everything takes too long!” As a child I was called “slow as molasses,” particularly when it came to getting into the car. In our family of 6, I was “always” the last one. It happened at the dinner table, too. After everyone was done eating and...

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