Posts Tagged "imperfect"

Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Where does imperfectionism come from? The short answer is “you.” In Part I, I said that perfectionism should actually be called imperfectionism because it’s all about finding imperfections in order to make things perfect. Then in Part 2, I gave you tools for becoming a true perfectionist — someone who finds the perfection that is already there. Now in Part 3, you can use those...

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Part 2 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Part 2 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

  How do you find the perfection in everything, even things you don’t like? Here’s how we did it in the previous post with “perfectionism,” the kind you didn’t like.  In Part 1, you experienced: 1. Starting from where you are—believing “perfectionism” is a flaw 2. Looking at perfectionism objectively—discovering it’s not what you...

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What’s Perfect About Perfectionism?

What’s Perfect About Perfectionism?

Perfectionism is wrongly named. I say that because what perfectionists do is automatically focus on what is wrong. Show us anything, and we will seek out the flaws. No matter how minuscule, we are sure that they are there, and our subconscious radar is ahead of us, already trying to find them. In the “perfectionist’s” world, nothing is ever perfect…especially...

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