Posts Tagged "intention"

Bedtime—Kicking to Stay Awake

Bedtime—Kicking to Stay Awake

Question: My son basically only hits /pinches/ kicks to avoid going to sleep. Any advice on how to facilitate this behavior without facilitating the procrastination? (For instance, if I redirect him to kick the bed instead of me, then he’ll kick the bed for literally half an hour or more if I let him, no matter how tired he is).—Mom (child age 2), Austin, TX Answer: Thank you for your...

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Do-Overs to the Rescue!

Do-Overs to the Rescue!

“It’s not what you do that matters most. It’s what you do AFTER what you do.”—Dr. Garry Landreth Have you ever wished you could rebuild your relationship with your child after having said or done things you didn’t like? You can! Here are 5 tips for rebuilding your connection and your relationship: 1. The first step is ALWAYS listening with your eyes and ears. This...

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Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Coaching begins with listening for greatness. Here are two simple Language of Listening® coaching skills that can turn any challenging moment with a child or teen into a rewarding one. 1. Accidents: Validate the intention Your child’s greatness can be found in their intentions. When a child makes a mistake or accidentally damages or breaks something, recognizing the child’s true...

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Helping Parents Who Haven’t Asked

Helping Parents Who Haven’t Asked

“If you want to be part of this family, then you’d better…” Imagine you saw your neighbor using harsh criticism, public scoldings and coercive statements like that with her 9 YO adopted daughter to “make her behave.” If you knew a better way to work with children and even had a book that could tell her not only how to create willing cooperation but how to...

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Taming Step-Parent Guilt

Taming Step-Parent Guilt

Question from a guilt-ridden step-parent: I am seeking advice for myself that will hopefully help me to connect with my step-daughter.   Long story short…my stepdaughter came to live with us when she was 6 years old she is now 14. Her biological mother is not part of her life. I see her as one of my own daughters, we do not say step-mom or step-daughter, (I have two other daughters 12...

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