Posts Tagged "leadership"
Drawing Out a Withdrawn Child
When a child has become withdrawn, lost touch with his wishes and is unable to access joy, what do you do? Use Language of Listening coaching skills and watch the magic unfold. In a 4th grade leadership class, the topic was how to make your wishes come true. The children were to list important wishes/unimportant wishes, then list visioning/planning strategies and sub-strategies. Step #1 was...
Read MorePranks Aren’t All Bad
Some people love pranks and others hate them. Mixed feelings are common. How should you respond? I overheard some parents talking about their middle school daughters playing pranks on strangers like ringing the doorbell and running away, and making prank phone calls. The parents didn’t want to come down too hard on them for fear that the girls would turn to something worse, and were...
Read MoreWhere “Shoulds” Come From (and how to send them back)
Are your “shoulds” really yours? When a “should” comes from you, you nod when you speak it, feel validated when you hear it, and are often willing to fight to defend it, as in, “I should be able to do what I love!” By contrast, “shoulds” that are not yours create feelings of pressure and self-doubt, as in “I should be doing more.” So...
Read MoreBully-proofing with STRENGTHs
Even big kids get picked on. A 10-year-old boy recently told me about his embarrassment when a smaller boy threw something and hit him. At first, he said, “Stop that! It hurts!” But when another boy said, “That shouldn’t hurt you. He’s smaller than you!” he didn’t know what to do except walk away. As expected, they laughed and called him names. What can...
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