Posts Tagged "money"
Money—What if it really could “just show up”?
I’ve been looking at the concept of abundance lately and discovered I’ve been very sad that my heart’s desire to have money just show up has not panned out. Before you jump in to offer advice on how that’s not realistic, let me say that I’m keenly aware of how fantasy-like that sounds. But I am also aware that something about it is right for me. It has to be...
Read MoreHow Things Really Work
“Do what you should, and things will work out.” Does that sound familiar to you? When this belief statement came up in a private coaching session with a client I recognized it immediately because I was raised to believe it, too. “Do what you should, and things will work out,” was touted as the basic formula for success and was a close relative of the mid-western...
Read MoreWhen Spending and Eating = Wasting
Lately, I’ve been tackling my beliefs about money and was stunned by the simplicity of this one, and it’s link to eating. Who am I about spending? I try not to, feel guilty when I do, and come up with endless justifications for each dollar spent or saved. No, it’s actually worse than that…each penny! When I see one on the ground, I still have to justify not picking it up,...
Read MoreDoing the Impossible $$
I was emailing a writer friend, Laurie Cosbey, and this popped out. If you want to see my self-coaching process, this is me, tracking down a false belief to arrive at a powerful Say What You See phrase for myself: 9:23 AM email to Laurie: Yes, SWYS is a simple how-to for getting present – the place of all experience, connection and power. There they are – the three basic needs*...
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