Posts Tagged "“name calling”"

“I hate you. You’re mean!”

“I hate you. You’re mean!”

Do you dread hearing, “I hate you. You’re mean!” from your normally sweet child? Here’s what’s behind it and a reply to turn things around. What’s Behind It Kids often say “I hate you. You’re mean!” to parents, grandparents, or other children in a boundary situation when they can’t do or have something they want. Particularly if that...

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How do I get my child to stop name-calling?

How do I get my child to stop name-calling?

In response to our post, Teasing & Name-calling, Amerin (children 7, 9, 11) asked a question that may have come up for you, too. We are so glad she asked, because it’s normal to hit growth points like this when you are committed to mastering Language of Listening® to create deeper connections and more supportive relationships with your children, and weren’t raised that way...

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Teasing & Name-calling

Teasing & Name-calling

When name calling is done to tease or be hurtful, the dynamics are different than with a friend who chooses an unacceptable term of endearment as discussed in What’s in a Name. Suggesting your child say what she wants to be called, which can be helpful in the case of a friend, might only give an adversary more ammunition to do the opposite, especially since adversarial name-calling is...

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What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

“A rose by any other name…” doesn’t actually work for children. Names matter. If you were ever called a name you didn’t like, you know what I mean. Kimberly Maeder shared this CAN DO moment that helped her daughter, age 5, stand up for herself. When my daughter said, “I don’t like being called cute, and my friend at school calls me cute,” I said...

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