Posts Tagged "perfectionism"

Dismantling Problems

Dismantling Problems

Not all problems are problems, unless you are an imperfectionist. Then all problems are equal, and each one “has to” be fixed. When I woke up staring at the dead bugs in my ceiling lamp, I suddenly realized that despite all the growth I’ve had around perfectionism, at first glance, I was still seeing problems everywhere I looked! Little ones and big ones that all needed to be...

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Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Where does imperfectionism come from? The short answer is “you.” In Part I, I said that perfectionism should actually be called imperfectionism because it’s all about finding imperfections in order to make things perfect. Then in Part 2, I gave you tools for becoming a true perfectionist — someone who finds the perfection that is already there. Now in Part 3, you can use those...

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How To Correct a Perfectionist Child

How To Correct a Perfectionist Child

My post How to Help a Perfectionist Child on struck a chord! Comments and questions poured in on my colleague Rachel Macy Stafford’s Hands Free Revolution page after she shared it with her readers.  With Rachel’s permission, I’m answering the most popular question here. To the mother who asked the question, thank you for inspiring this post! (If you would like...

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Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Does acceptance feel like resignation to you? Like you have to give up on what you want and agree with something you don’t want? Ouch! That is not the kind of acceptance I mean when I say, “All growth is through acceptance!” This insightful comment on “What’s Perfect About Perfectionism – Part 2” from Angelika Wetter (children 1, 4), Argentina,...

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Part 2 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Part 2 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

  How do you find the perfection in everything, even things you don’t like? Here’s how we did it in the previous post with “perfectionism,” the kind you didn’t like.  In Part 1, you experienced: 1. Starting from where you are—believing “perfectionism” is a flaw 2. Looking at perfectionism objectively—discovering it’s not what you...

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