Posts Tagged "“power struggle”"
Q & A: Contrary Child
One of our readers, Jab, asked a great question in a comment on “The Importance of Validation” about situations where SAYing WHAT YOU SEE doesn’t seem to work. As often happens here at Language of Listening, what started as a quick response turned in to a full-blown blog post! Jab asked: “I’m not having much success with SWYS. I must be missing something about it. For...
Read MoreUnraveling Tension
What do you do when something just has to get done, and you and your child get all knotted up over it? Dr. Lawrence Cohen, author of Playful Parenting and co-author of The Art of Roughhousing, suggests this, reprinted from his newsletter with permission. His analogy of an actual “knot” helps you unravel the tension. The Knot of Tension A Knot of Tension is a set of...
Read MorePreschool Power Struggles
A preschool teacher posted her power struggle dilemma on a Reggio Emilia discussion list. Here’s her question and my response: Q: HELP! Today was the day for power struggles all around, I swear it’s contagious. Either that, or they picked up on the fact that I had no sleep last night & was nearly incoherent–hate how well kids can read your current physiological...
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