Posts Tagged "pre-teen"

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

When my daughter Betsy was in middle school, she told me through a flood of tears that she was sure she had no self-motivation. She couldn’t make herself do things she didn’t want to do. Yep, that’s the message I’d inadvertently been sending: making yourself do things you don’t want to do IS self-motivation. Of course, I was applying it to myself as well, and it led...

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How To Help a Perfectionist Child

How To Help a Perfectionist Child

Saying, “That’s OK. It doesn’t have to be perfect,” does not help a perfectionist child. I explain why in this Q&A with a mother of a 12-year-old perfectionist daughter, though the explanation applies to most ages. Question:   My biggest issue is my precious 12-year-old girl. She is a delight with a heart of gold and a perfectionist – however that is her down...

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True Self-Motivation

True Self-Motivation

When you hit the wall trying to get your child to do something he or she doesn’t want to do, check your strategy. Are you trying to change what your child wants? “Of course you want to brush your teeth. You don’t want them to fall out, do you?” To your credit, this strategy shows an awareness of what motivates people — wanting. Every parent knows that if only their...

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