Posts Tagged "preferences"

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Whether you love holidays or hate them, holidays bring people together. But if just thinking about being with relatives or certain friends kicks off your fight/flight/freeze response, you can use these tips to bring peace to any moment: Intentions / Wishes.   A little background: Intentions and wishes are desires that arise from what you like and love. To me, what you like and love is who...

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Who are you really?

Who are you really?

On July 16, my daughter Colleen posted this image on her Facebook page with the comment: “Cheers to my Grandma, who would’ve been 85 today. Celebrating with her favorites: wine and a donut!” Lots of likes on that one. It’s hard for friends and family to see a donut without thinking of Ruth. My grandmother used to tell the story of a time a few months into Mom’s...

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