Posts Tagged "puppy"

Stubborn. Now what?

Stubborn. Now what?

Does stubbornness run in your family? If you are seeing it in your child, you might think they got it from you. Each time I am asked what to do about a stubborn child, my answer is the same: SAY WHAT YOU SEE®. Stubborn is one of those things that we are sure we “see,” but is not really happening. However, it is what we are thinking. The descriptive nature of SAY WHAT YOU SEE gets you...

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Learning from Childhood Accidents

Learning from Childhood Accidents

A little girl decided to take her puppy on a tricycle ride. She held the puppy in one arm and steered with the other as she rolled down a short hill with her feet up. When she hit the bottom of the hill, the trike lurched and the puppy flew out of her arms landing right in front of the front tire. She stopped, ran inside, and hid feeling scared and embarrassed. The puppy was fine; the child was...

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