Posts Tagged "pushing"

The Running Leap

The Running Leap

Have you ever seen a child jump over a stream? They don’t usually walk up to the stream, stop, and try to jump from there. They walk up, stop, and then back up far enough to get a running start. Backing up enables them to take a running leap and successfully clear the stream without falling in and getting wet. In that situation, you would never mistake a child backing up to take a running...

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Success Training for Toddler Hitting

Success Training for Toddler Hitting

QUESTION: My 2 YO daughter is struggling with hitting. Before this began she was a very timid girl and at play dates would often get run over.   Four months ago I had a baby, and the first time I witnessed my 2 YO hitting was when she hit the baby. She was giving the baby a hug and started getting a little excited which then turned into getting a little too rough with the baby, and when I...

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Tantrum Relief — Meeting the Three Basic Needs

Tantrum Relief — Meeting the Three Basic Needs

The difference between the Language of Listening® approach to dealing with tantrums and that of most other programs is basically this: in a tantrum, others try to calm children down; we facilitate tantrums in a way that allows children to calm themselves down. It all starts with the Three Basic Needs for Growth: experience, connection and power. Here’s how to meet those needs to...

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The “Good Enough” Mirage

The “Good Enough” Mirage

Whether you had parents who pushed you or not, if parental approval was the grand prize for good behavior or success in your home growing up, you might be headed down the high pressure path in the way you manage yourself. Do you alternate between pushing yourself so hard you just want to scream and wishing you could stop the world and get off? This might explain why. A friend was talking to...

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