Posts Tagged "react"

Trouble at Preschool

Trouble at Preschool

How do you react when your child tells you they did something that they know you won’t like and just looks at you? If you brace yourself for a show-down, or start correcting or lecturing, that’s a reaction to a judgment. The judgment might be something like “rebellious” or maybe even “stubborn,” if you know your child knew you wouldn’t like what they...

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Hidden Cause of Your Reactions

Hidden Cause of Your Reactions

“You make me feel…” is not how it works. We are interrelated. Someone says something and you react, but the mechanism is misunderstood. There is a hidden middle step. We each have our own perceptions of the world, and though it seems that we react to what happens around us, our reactions actually come from our perceptions and interpretations instead.  For example, my...

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If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

How can you open doors to connection instead of slamming them shut (literally) when kids fighting sets you off? I was invited to answer this question for a reader of Hands Free Mama blog. Our Q&A is reprinted below with permission, edited for brevity and clarity.   QUESTION: Do you have any suggestions on how to handle sibling fighting?   I am a Type A, list-following,...

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Stop Reacting, Start Exaggerating

Stop Reacting, Start Exaggerating

“I know what I should do, but I often react, instead of responding with understanding.” For every parent who feels wrong for reacting in the moment, I was right there with you when my kids were little. I’d read all the books, and knew what to do, but there were times when I just couldn’t do it. The thing that made a difference for me was realizing that there had to be...

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Ending Reactive Parenting

Ending Reactive Parenting

Ever feel like you are stuck in a cycle of negativity? A mom of two young children was, and she expressed her frustration in the comments of one of Rachel Macy Stafford’s Hands Free Mama blog posts The Manager in My Home & the Five Words that Changed Everything. Thanks to a standing invitation from Rachel to assist her readers and share our public dialogs, I was able to offer this mom...

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