Posts Tagged "reasons"



What if we did not believe in hate? Or in vilifying people for any reason? 50 people in Orlando* and countless more would be alive and uninjured today. We can begin to dismantle hate and vilification now, starting by how we explain to ourselves and our children the heartbreaking actions taken by one man, the shooter. If you hate and vilify him and the group of people to whom he claimed loyalty,...

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Boundary Trouble?

Boundary Trouble?

All boundaries are not equal. Here are three types: Natural boundaries:   “Fire is not for touching, because you will get burned.”   “Poison ivy is not for picking, because your skin will blister and itch.”   “Baby sister is not for shaking, because that will hurt her brain.”   Social boundaries:   “Clothing is worn in...

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Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Child: “You always buy her whatever she wants! You never do that for me! You love her more!” When your child challenges your fairness, remember to say what the child is feeling without defending your actions. This is harder than it sounds since we are programmed to defend. But, if a child fusses about unfair treatment and we jump in with all kinds of defenses like, “I bought her...

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