Posts Tagged "responsibility"

When “Can=Have To”

When “Can=Have To”

Whenever I’m nearing a big breakthrough, I can tell. As a belief that I don’t like begins to show up in my life, my energy drops, I withdraw and feel depressed. That makes sense before a breakthrough because at the moment, the belief feels very, very true, which can make it very, very real, and in this case, very, very sad…because I was looking at giving up. Luckily, as a...

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Everything In Its Place

Everything In Its Place

“My 11-year old just isn’t responsible. He leaves his socks on the floor and doesn’t put away my tools after borrowing them. How do I find responsibility in that?” When this came up in a recent class, Eva took the challenge. “Well, let’s look. Does he ever do anything responsible like feeding the cat?” Right on cue, Mom said, “Actually he does. He...

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