Posts Tagged "restraint"

Fostering Resiliency after a Soul-Crushing Event

Fostering Resiliency after a Soul-Crushing Event

Disappointments can be hard to handle, especially if they are your child’s. It’s even harder if you have the automatic urge to protect him or her from disappointment and make things all better. Here is a masterful and touching example written by Rachel Macy Stafford of what happens when you use Language of Listening® coaching skills to follow the child’s lead instead.  I...

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Bad Driver or Being Driven?

Bad Driver or Being Driven?

I just had the strangest moment while driving. I saw a car tailgating a van as it turned onto a main road. My first reaction was, “Bad driver!” because driving that close scares me, but that thought was suddenly and unexpectedly replaced with a STRENGTH. Given that the car kept the exact same distance from the van during the entire turn and for a short while after, it struck me that...

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