Posts Tagged "role modeling"

End Bullying

End Bullying

I just had to share this wonderful excerpt from Una Spenser’s online dairy.  You’ll see why: Apparently, Korax, the class bully, had finally gotten around to Zuna. It’s a Montessori classroom and quite often the children work sitting on mats on the floor. Zuna was sitting on the floor when Korax came over and stomped on her leg.   In response, Zuna looked him in the eye and...

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When Needs Appear to Conflict

When Needs Appear to Conflict

“How can I provide the support and attention my three-year old needs from me and help him to be more independent at the same time?” is a question that many parents face. (See aceiatx’s question in her comment on CAN DOs Work for All Ages) The short answer is:  Provide support and attention when it’s OK with you, and model independence when it’s not. SWYS:...

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