Posts Tagged "safe"

Big Sister Tattling

Big Sister Tattling

Language of Listening® is a different way of speaking and thinking. It’s a coaching language that takes you out of the role of managing your children’s behavior, and puts you on their side as their life coach—letting them solve their own problems and helping them see their hidden STRENGTHs, so they can manage their own behavior. Here’s a Q&A dialog I had with a mom (8-mo...

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Safe, Not Scared

Safe, Not Scared

The world can be a dangerous place. It can be wonderful, too. Both are true. The key to raising children who love being in the world despite the danger is training. For a shining example, look up at night. The space station currently orbiting the globe is without doubt a dangerous place with countless hazards beyond human control. But the astronauts love being up there because they know how to...

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If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

If Kids Fighting Makes You Mad

How can you open doors to connection instead of slamming them shut (literally) when kids fighting sets you off? I was invited to answer this question for a reader of Hands Free Mama blog. Our Q&A is reprinted below with permission, edited for brevity and clarity.   QUESTION: Do you have any suggestions on how to handle sibling fighting?   I am a Type A, list-following,...

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Pranks Aren’t All Bad

Pranks Aren’t All Bad

Some people love pranks and others hate them. Mixed feelings are common. How should you respond? I overheard some parents talking about their middle school daughters playing pranks on strangers like ringing the doorbell and running away, and making prank phone calls. The parents didn’t want to come down too hard on them for fear that the girls would turn to something worse, and were...

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Why I Let Kids Cry

Why I Let Kids Cry

When you hear a child crying, what is your first reaction? If it’s a child you know, you might have an impulse to rush to their aid and fix the problem for them ASAP. If you can’t do that, you may feel the need to do something to at least distract them or cheer them up. If you follow our blog or have taken our classes, you have probably heard about our technique for facilitating...

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