Posts Tagged "safety"

Safe, Not Scared

Safe, Not Scared

The world can be a dangerous place. It can be wonderful, too. Both are true. The key to raising children who love being in the world despite the danger is training. For a shining example, look up at night. The space station currently orbiting the globe is without doubt a dangerous place with countless hazards beyond human control. But the astronauts love being up there because they know how to...

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Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Feelings are important guides for personal growth. When you hold an adaptive belief (a belief that was important for your survival as a child but no longer serves you), feelings arise that you cannot miss because they are always the ones you don’t like. Recently I have been examining my need for safety and uncovering just how insecure I feel in life, so it’s no surprise that...

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“Wrong” Finale

I finally got it!!! I’m so excited!!! Eva Sim-Zabka, my dear friend, colleague and possibility coach, coached me through the final piece of this last night. She is so good! After my youngest sister was born, we moved, so I can place the creation of this life-long issue at age 8. At that time, I remember lying awake at night terrified. I had never been afraid of the dark or sleeping alone...

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