Posts Tagged "school work"

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

Instead of seeing your life as one step forward, two steps back, and feeling frustrated most of the time, what if you knew the two steps back were also moving you forward? That’s how a running leap works — you have to back up a few steps in order to succeed with the leap.  Knowing that gives you a powerful tool — a new way to see and manage the actions you take after you hit what feels...

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How To Correct a Perfectionist Child

How To Correct a Perfectionist Child

My post How to Help a Perfectionist Child on struck a chord! Comments and questions poured in on my colleague Rachel Macy Stafford’s Hands Free Revolution page after she shared it with her readers.  With Rachel’s permission, I’m answering the most popular question here. To the mother who asked the question, thank you for inspiring this post! (If you would like...

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Overcoming Homework Hurdles

Overcoming Homework Hurdles

Growing up as a Language of Listening® kid has often given me a different perspective from my peers. Now, as an adult working in childcare, this different perspective is more obvious and useful than ever.  I am proud to say, much like my mother, Sandy Blackard, the kids seen as problematic by others are the ones who endear themselves to me. I love to be assigned to these...

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