Posts Tagged "scream"
Trying to Stop a Temper Tantrum? 7 Things You Might Be Missing
Language of Listening® Coach, Lauren Tamm, outlines seven things you might be missing if you are trying to stop a temper tantrum. Reprinted from her blog with permission. My daughter’s had a heck of a week when it comes to temper tantrums. It all culminated into one massive meltdown last night, when she was so inconsolable that she cried herself to sleep, stark-naked. But before I share...
Read MoreRage Reversal—Getting Kids Heard
In an instant, his world flipped 180 degrees. My son transformed from serene and peaceful to boiling rage. My mouth collapsed to the concrete as I stood in the parking lot of my daughter’s preschool. His voice thundered. His eyes intensified. His face turned crimson red. On the outside I was fighting to stay calm, but on the inside I was terrified. His anger explosions seem to come out of...
Read MoreParenting Anger: Is it me or them?
It had been a day filled with tantrums, power struggles, and testing, testing, testing. I felt like I was doing all the right things, listening to my kids’ feelings, validating their experience, and extending my patience well beyond what I should need to do. Yet, everything I did felt like the wrong thing. I cut the toast wrong. Hurried them out the door too quickly. Buckled the car seat...
Read MoreMelting Meltdowns with Connection
One small step can make a big difference! Here’s how Rachel Duhon, Therapist at River City Psychological Services in Grand Rapids, MI, used SAY WHAT YOU SEE in a way that will melt your heart: As a parent, it has always been a top priority to have a loving, healthy relationship with my children. I thought that I was doing a great job as a parent in being consistent and available to my...
Read MoreFrom Criticism To Support
“If you needed to lose weight, what would be most motivating? You are getting chubby. I’m not buying you any more clothes until you lose weight. Or: Let’s take a walk after dinner. I’ll let you make the salad. I love you just the way you are, exactly as you are.“ —Rachel Macy Stafford That was how Rachel opened her viral blog post, “To...
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