Posts Tagged "self-acceptance"

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Acceptance Is Not Agreement

Does acceptance feel like resignation to you? Like you have to give up on what you want and agree with something you don’t want? Ouch! That is not the kind of acceptance I mean when I say, “All growth is through acceptance!” This insightful comment on “What’s Perfect About Perfectionism – Part 2” from Angelika Wetter (children 1, 4), Argentina,...

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Stop Reacting, Start Exaggerating

Stop Reacting, Start Exaggerating

“I know what I should do, but I often react, instead of responding with understanding.” For every parent who feels wrong for reacting in the moment, I was right there with you when my kids were little. I’d read all the books, and knew what to do, but there were times when I just couldn’t do it. The thing that made a difference for me was realizing that there had to be...

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Lust Buster

Lust Buster

In most boundary situations with children, the simple SAY WHAT YOU SEE® phrase, “You want _____,” is the best place to start. The power of validating what children want cannot be overestimated. When children know that it’s OK to want what they want, they don’t have to fight to prove it. You’ve probably heard children quickly escalate from “I want it,”...

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“Mommy, why are you crying?”

“Mommy, why are you crying?”

When it comes to expressing emotions in front of your child, how much is too much? Recently, a parent asked about expressing strong emotions like sadness or anger. She’s going through a rough time in her life, and was worried that she was crying in front of her child too often. She is also arguing with her husband a lot, and she wondered if I thought parents should limit those kinds of...

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Taming Step-Parent Guilt

Taming Step-Parent Guilt

Question from a guilt-ridden step-parent: I am seeking advice for myself that will hopefully help me to connect with my step-daughter.   Long story short…my stepdaughter came to live with us when she was 6 years old she is now 14. Her biological mother is not part of her life. I see her as one of my own daughters, we do not say step-mom or step-daughter, (I have two other daughters 12...

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