Posts Tagged "self-expression"

Being Nice or Not?

Being Nice or Not?

Telling children, “Be nice!” can have unexpected consequences. You probably know that the non-specific command, “Be nice!” is not particularly helpful for children. But worse than that, it can result in the opposite behavior. Here’s how: When “Be nice!” is spoken in a corrective or threatening tone, as in “Be nice [or else]!” kids hear it as,...

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Who are you really?

Who are you really?

On July 16, my daughter Colleen posted this image on her Facebook page with the comment: “Cheers to my Grandma, who would’ve been 85 today. Celebrating with her favorites: wine and a donut!” Lots of likes on that one. It’s hard for friends and family to see a donut without thinking of Ruth. My grandmother used to tell the story of a time a few months into Mom’s...

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