Posts Tagged "self-validation"

3 Steps for Reconnecting with Your Mother

3 Steps for Reconnecting with Your Mother

Your relationship with your mother affects your entire life. If yours is challenging, now is the perfect time to transform it into one of love, respect and connection. When you do, it will transform your life. In a coaching conversation with a young woman about her highly reactive mother, I recommended three steps for transforming their relationship. She graciously gave her permission...

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Lust Buster

Lust Buster

In most boundary situations with children, the simple SAY WHAT YOU SEE® phrase, “You want _____,” is the best place to start. The power of validating what children want cannot be overestimated. When children know that it’s OK to want what they want, they don’t have to fight to prove it. You’ve probably heard children quickly escalate from “I want it,”...

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When “Can=Have To”

When “Can=Have To”

Whenever I’m nearing a big breakthrough, I can tell. As a belief that I don’t like begins to show up in my life, my energy drops, I withdraw and feel depressed. That makes sense before a breakthrough because at the moment, the belief feels very, very true, which can make it very, very real, and in this case, very, very sad…because I was looking at giving up. Luckily, as a...

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On-Time with Empowered Children

On-Time with Empowered Children

Would you like to be able to make sure things get done on time without rushing or over-managing your children? How about putting perfectionism aside and providing guidance without criticism or negative correction? Here are the 7 suggestions that I shared with readers of Rachel Macy Stafford’s powerful Hands Free Mama blog at her request in the comments section of her post “The...

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Grant Your Food Wishes In Fantasy

Grant Your Food Wishes In Fantasy

If you ever had any doubts about the SAY WHAT YOU SEE strategy of granting children’s wishes in fantasy originated by Dr. Haim Ginott, author of the parenting classic, Between Parent and Child, there is a NY Times article by John Tierney that discusses something he calls the Imagine Diet for adults. He says: “The experiments at Carnegie Mellon are the first to show that habituation...

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