Posts Tagged "shoes"

Success Training, Not Micro-Managing

Success Training, Not Micro-Managing

Our friend Rachel Macy Stafford’s post, The Manager in My Home & the Five Words that Changed Everything, documents her shift from micro-managing to empowering her daughters. She requested my assistance when dozens of questions flooded in from parents all over the world about how to put perfectionism aside and provide guidance without micro-managing and criticizing.  One of the points I...

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Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Child: “You always buy her whatever she wants! You never do that for me! You love her more!” When your child challenges your fairness, remember to say what the child is feeling without defending your actions. This is harder than it sounds since we are programmed to defend. But, if a child fusses about unfair treatment and we jump in with all kinds of defenses like, “I bought her...

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Preschool Power Struggles

Preschool Power Struggles

A preschool teacher posted her power struggle dilemma on a Reggio Emilia discussion list. Here’s her question and my response: Q: HELP! Today was the day for power struggles all around, I swear it’s contagious. Either that, or they picked up on the fact that I had no sleep last night & was nearly incoherent–hate how well kids can read your current physiological...

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