Posts Tagged "sibling rivalry"

Success Training for Toddler Hitting

Success Training for Toddler Hitting

QUESTION: My 2 YO daughter is struggling with hitting. Before this began she was a very timid girl and at play dates would often get run over.   Four months ago I had a baby, and the first time I witnessed my 2 YO hitting was when she hit the baby. She was giving the baby a hug and started getting a little excited which then turned into getting a little too rough with the baby, and when I...

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Avoiding Toddler-Baby Rivalry – 7 Tips

Avoiding Toddler-Baby Rivalry – 7 Tips

“Stop poking the baby!” When siblings are close in age, the toddler years can be extra challenging. How do you keep your cool and keep their relationship strong when your 2 YO starts poking your 9 MO baby? Here are some tips for using Language of Listening® to succeed:   1. Target specific STRENGTHs. Identify STRENGTHs that will help your child experience him/herself as a...

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Siblings: Friends or Foes?

Siblings: Friends or Foes?

My sister and I (pictured) have always been best friends. Even as children, we never fought as often or as bitterly as I saw in my friends’ households, or as a babysitter now in clients’ homes. When I mentioned this smugly to my mother, Sandy, she responded matter-of-factly, “I did that deliberately.” She told me that when she saw us arguing, she would approach the...

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Bigger, Better, Faster

Bigger, Better, Faster

What to do for the child who always has to be better than his/her siblings? Needing to be “better than” is another version of a child’s need to win. Dr. Lawrence Cohen, author of Playful Parenting and co-author of The Art of Roughhousing, provides a playful yet effective way to fill this need in a Q&A reprinted from his newsletter with permission: Q & A: I need some good...

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Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Child: “You always buy her whatever she wants! You never do that for me! You love her more!” When your child challenges your fairness, remember to say what the child is feeling without defending your actions. This is harder than it sounds since we are programmed to defend. But, if a child fusses about unfair treatment and we jump in with all kinds of defenses like, “I bought her...

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