Posts Tagged "sleigh"

The Perfect Response to “I want…”

The Perfect Response to “I want…”

“Being heard is more than a basic human need. It’s the key to connecting with our inner greatness and unleashing our full potential.”—Sandy Blackard You will often hear me say that what you like and what you love is who you are at any moment. What you want comes from there and determines the right level of challenge for your growth. What you want not only guides you on your...

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Doing the Impossible $$

Doing the Impossible $$

I was emailing a writer friend, Laurie Cosbey, and this popped out. If you want to see my self-coaching process, this is me, tracking down a false belief to arrive at a powerful Say What You See phrase for myself: 9:23 AM email to Laurie: Yes, SWYS is a simple how-to for getting present – the place of all experience, connection and power. There they are  – the three basic needs*...

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Childhood Beliefs & Questions

Childhood Beliefs & Questions

Child: “Mom, if I ask you a question will you tell me the truth?”   Mom: “Sure.”   Child (very seriously): “But Mom, I really want you to tell me the truth. Will you tell me the truth?”   Mom (puzzled): “Of course.”   Child (urgent): “But do you promise? You have to promise to tell me the truth.”   By now Mom was...

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