Posts Tagged "socks"

Everything In Its Place

Everything In Its Place

“My 11-year old just isn’t responsible. He leaves his socks on the floor and doesn’t put away my tools after borrowing them. How do I find responsibility in that?” When this came up in a recent class, Eva took the challenge. “Well, let’s look. Does he ever do anything responsible like feeding the cat?” Right on cue, Mom said, “Actually he does. He...

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Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Child: “You always buy her whatever she wants! You never do that for me! You love her more!” When your child challenges your fairness, remember to say what the child is feeling without defending your actions. This is harder than it sounds since we are programmed to defend. But, if a child fusses about unfair treatment and we jump in with all kinds of defenses like, “I bought her...

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