Posts Tagged "strategy"

Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism

Where does imperfectionism come from? The short answer is “you.” In Part I, I said that perfectionism should actually be called imperfectionism because it’s all about finding imperfections in order to make things perfect. Then in Part 2, I gave you tools for becoming a true perfectionist — someone who finds the perfection that is already there. Now in Part 3, you can use those...

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Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Feelings are important guides for personal growth. When you hold an adaptive belief (a belief that was important for your survival as a child but no longer serves you), feelings arise that you cannot miss because they are always the ones you don’t like. Recently I have been examining my need for safety and uncovering just how insecure I feel in life, so it’s no surprise that...

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