Posts Tagged "SWYS to yourself"

Parenting Anger: Is it me or them?

Parenting Anger: Is it me or them?

It had been a day filled with tantrums, power struggles, and testing, testing, testing. I felt like I was doing all the right things, listening to my kids’ feelings, validating their experience, and extending my patience well beyond what I should need to do. Yet, everything I did felt like the wrong thing. I cut the toast wrong. Hurried them out the door too quickly.  Buckled the car seat...

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SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

SAY WHAT YOU SEE® to Yourself First

In her blog article “Applying ‘Say What You See’ to Adult Relationships” Monica Cravotta related my work to that of her friend and coach Chris Douglas. Monica came to the conclusion that “in a very basic way, we’re no different than our little ones in feeling upset when our basic emotional needs are unmet.” So true! In trying to bring understanding to...

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