Posts Tagged "throwing"

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

Instead of seeing your life as one step forward, two steps back, and feeling frustrated most of the time, what if you knew the two steps back were also moving you forward? That’s how a running leap works — you have to back up a few steps in order to succeed with the leap.  Knowing that gives you a powerful tool — a new way to see and manage the actions you take after you hit what feels...

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Tantrum Relief — Meeting the Three Basic Needs

Tantrum Relief — Meeting the Three Basic Needs

The difference between the Language of Listening® approach to dealing with tantrums and that of most other programs is basically this: in a tantrum, others try to calm children down; we facilitate tantrums in a way that allows children to calm themselves down. It all starts with the Three Basic Needs for Growth: experience, connection and power. Here’s how to meet those needs to...

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